You can appeal a decision from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) if you believe that the decision is not correct.

You should send your letter of appeal to us. We will assess you appeal, and if we disagree we will forward it to the Directorate of Public Roads, which will reassess the case.

The Directorate of Public Roads is the appeals body for most decisions made by the NPRA. If the Directorate of Public Roads is not the appeals body for your case, information about this will appear in the decision letter you have received.

How to appeal

You may send your letter of appeal by email to or by post to:

Statens vegvesen (NPRA)
Postboks 1010 Nordre Ål
2605 Lillehammer

Please quote our case reference number, which you will find at the top of the decision letter.

Your letter of appeal should include

  • why you believe the decision is wrong
  • what you believe the correct decision should be
  • any other information that we should have in order to process your appeal.

Deadline for appeal

The deadline for lodging an appeal is three weeks from the date when you received the decision letter.  

In some cases, we may be able to process an appeal even if the deadline has expired. This may be the case if you are not to blame for missing the deadline, or if there is a special reason why your appeal should still be processed.

You have the right of access to case documents

If you are a party to the case, you normally have the right to see the documents that are related to your case.

If you wish to see these documents, you can contact us by email or letter, at the addresses above.

You can delay implementation of the decision

We are usually able to implement a decision immediately. You can apply for the implementation of the decision to be delayed until the deadline for appeals has expired or until the appeal has been processed.

You may be reimbursed for costs related to the appeal

You can apply for reimbursement of expenses for necessary legal assistance under the rules for legal aid. There are usually certain income and wealth limits that apply for such expenses to be reimbursed. You can find more information about this on the County Governor's website or by contacting a lawyer.

If the decision is changed in your favour, you can apply to the NPRA for reimbursement of substantial costs you have had to pay in order to get the decision changed.

Your right to appeal is described in the Public Administration Act

  • The rules about your right to appeal can be found in Chapter VI of the Public Administration Act.
  • Your right of access to case documents is described in Sections 18-21 of the Public Administration Act.
  • The rules for reimbursement of legal costs are described in Section 36 of the Public Administration Act.