Theory test
Here you'll find information about the theory tests and exams you can take at the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.
Book an appointment for a theory test
Before you can take the theory test, you need to apply for a driving licence. You need to book an appointment for the theory test on Your Page.
Taking the theory test
Here you will find information about age limits, languages, time available, number of questions and number of correct answers needed to pass.
Assisted theory test for special needs candidates
You may apply to take the theory test as an assisted theory test (oral test ) - if you need help to understand the questions.
Drone operator test
You can take the drone operator test at a Driver and Vehicle Licensing Office (trafikkstasjon). You need to book an appointment in advance.
Operator's licence test for taxi service
To obtain an operator’s licence, you must pass a test to document that you have sufficient professional competence.