Automatic speed control is carried out in cooperation between the police and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

In Norway, as in many other countries, automatic speed monitoring is used in addition to the manual speed checks carried out by the police. Automatic speed control (ASC) has a great traffic safety effect by reducing speeding violations at the site or road section that is being monitored. This is especially true for high speed offences. ASC has the greatest effect on the more serious accidents with fatalities and serious injuries.

Spot speed control and section speed control

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration is responsible for establishing and operating speed cameras, including the photography of speed limit violations. The police are responsible for following up any punishable offence identified by the cameras through the police criminal case registry.

If you have been photographed by a speed camera and have any questions, contact the police centre for automatic speed control by calling +47 26 68 00 (switchboard).

You can also reach the police at telephone number 02800 (from Norwegian phones only) or +47 22 66 90 50 (from abroad).

Certification of equipment

All the equipment used for automatic speed control is certified in accordance with certain routines by the Norwegian Metrology Service (Justervesenet).  A blocking mechanism in the ASC system prevents controls from being carried out if the certification period has expired for parts of the equipment.

If you have questions regarding the technical aspects of ASC, contact the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

Illustration of the signs for spot and section speed control
Road users are informed of automatic speed control through information signs. The sign on the left can be found when you approach a camera that measures your speed at one particular spot. The other two signs are found when you enter a tunnel with section speed control, and when you approach a road section where your average speed is being measured. Illustration: Statens vegvesen
