Notification of sale and transfer of registration
The seller and the buyer of a vehicle must always submit a Notification of Sale. As the buyer, you also have to complete the registration transfer.
Submit the Notification of Sale
If you are selling, buying or transferring the ownership of a vehicle, you need to submit a Notification of Sale.
Confirm the Notification of Sale
Once the seller has submitted the Notification of Sale online, you as the buyer must confirm it in order to be registered as the new owner.
Registration transfer fee
Once the Notification of Sale has been confirmed, you need to pay the registration transfer fee before you can use the vehicle.
Add or remove co-owner
You can add or remove a co-owner of your vehicle yourself on Your Page.
Transferring vehicles within the family
If you are transferring a vehicle to a family member, you need to submit a Notification of Sale.
Sale of vehicle when the owner has died
In order to transfer the ownership of a vehicle when the owner has died, you need to submit the required documentation.
Submit a Notification of Sale on behalf of someone else
You can submit a Notification of Sale on behalf of another person or company, but you must document that you have the right to do so.
Bankruptcy and transfer of registration
If you are a trustee of a bankruptcy, you must check whether any vehicles are registered to the enterprise.