Requirements applying to towing vehicles and trailers when driving at Tempo 100 speeds
When you drive with Danish Tempo 100 approval in Norway, both the towing vehicle and the trailer must meet certain requirements.
The requirements in Norway are the same as in Denmark.
However, a Norwegian-registered trailer is not allowed to travel at speeds up to 100 km/h in Norway if it only has Danish Tempo 100 approval. Norwegian-registered trailers need to have Norwegian Tempo 100 approval.
Requirements applying to the trailer
- The trailer must have a Danish Tempo 100 sticker at the rear. The sticker must be visible from behind.
- A valid Tempo 100 permit must be carried in the vehicle. The permit may be physical or digital.
- Tyres must be newer than 6 years. The tyre manufacturer has labelled the tyre with the time of manufacture (week and year).
- Example: Tyres marked with production date 0919 will not be approved from week 10 of 2025.
- The Tyre Speed Index must be 120 km/h or more.
- When you load the trailer, it is important to remember that the centre of gravity of the load should be in front of the axle(s) and that the maximum tow ball weight must not be exceeded.
- If the trailer is equipped with a stability device, the control unit must be adjusted, tightened and secured in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
- The trailer, load included if applicable, must not be higher than 4 metres.
Requirements applying to the towing vehicle
- The car must be equipped with anti-lock brakes (ABS).
- The car must have a maximum authorised mass not exceeding 3,500 kg.
- The car must meet the net weight requirements set out in the Tempo 100 permit.
- For some combinations of car and trailer, there are additional requirements applying to the car's weights. If these requirements apply, they will be specified in the trailer’s Tempo 100 permit. This will also appear in the trailer calculator.
- If the car has electronic stability control / electronic stability programme (ESC/ESP), a declaration to this effect must be carried in the car. Such declaration may be physical or digital. The control unit must be activated and correctly configured in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions while the car is towing a trailer.