Both towing vehicles and trailers must meet certain requirements to be allowed to drive up to 100 km/h.

Requirements applying to the trailer

The Tempo 100 scheme covers trailers in categories O1 (maximum authorised mass not exceeding 750 kg) and O2 (maximum authorised mass exceeding 750 kg, but not exceeding 3,500 kg). This means that it also covers caravans.

In order to have a trailer approved for Tempo 100, you must book a session for a vehicle test with the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The following conditions apply for a Tempo 100 permit to be issued:

  • The trailer must be a centre-axle trailer. This means a trailer with a rigid drawbar and an axle or axles positioned in or close to the centre of gravity of the trailer.
  • The trailer must be designed to travel at least 100 km/h. This cannot be seen from the systems that the Norwegian Public Roads Administration has access to, and it will therefore be the person who presents the vehicle for testing who must present documentation to this effect issued by the manufacturer. (The documentation may also be issued by an importer or dealer authorised to represent the manufacturer.)
  • The tyres must be newer than 6 years. The tyre manufacturer has labelled the tyre with the time of manufacture (week and year).
    • Example: Tyres marked with production date 0919 will not be approved from week 10 of 2025.
  • The Tyre Speed Index must be 120 km/h or more.
  • Trailers that are 4 years old or more, counting from the date of their first registration in Norway or abroad, need to be tested and approved for roadworthiness.

Once the trailer is approved for Tempo 100, you will be issued a Tempo 100 permit and a Tempo 100 sticker. The permit must accompany the driver either in its physical or electronic form. The Tempo 100 sticker should be attached on the back of the trailer. If there is little space for the sticker, it must be placed so that it is visible from behind.

The permit contains a number of details about the trailer and the requirements applying to the towing vehicle. Whether the trailer has brakes, shock absorbers and/or a stabiliser coupling between the trailer and towing vehicle will affect what is required of the towing vehicle. When the trailer has more of this safety equipment, the car may be lighter than if the trailer has less equipment.

Requirements applying to the towing vehicle

  • The car must be equipped with anti-lock brakes (ABS).
  • The car must have a maximum authorised mass not exceeding 3,500 kg.
  • The car must meet the net weight requirements set out in the Tempo 100 permit.
  • For some combinations of car and trailer, there are additional requirements applying to the car's weights. If these requirements apply, they will be specified in the trailer’s Tempo 100 permit. This will also appear in the trailer calculator.
  • If the car has electronic stability control / electronic stability programme (ESC/ESP), a declaration to this effect must be carried in the car. Such declaration may be physical or digital. The control unit must be activated and correctly configured in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions while the car is towing a trailer.

Checklist for Tempo 100 driving

  1. The trailer must be approved for Tempo 100 and meet the applicable requirements at all times. Remember to carry the Tempo 100 permit while driving.
  2. The car must meet the requirements applying to the towing vehicle. Remember to bring a declaration if the car has ESC/ESP.
  3. When you load the trailer, it is important to remember that the centre of gravity of the load should be in front of the axle(s) and that the maximum tow ball weight must not be exceeded.
  4. If the trailer is equipped with a stability device, the control unit must be adjusted, tightened and secured in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
  5. The trailer, load included if applicable, must not be higher than 4 metres.

Approval of trailer for driving at 100 km/h