New requirements applying to tachographs
Due to requirements related to the EU Mobility Package, some vehicles need to have their tachographs replaced.
Upon inspection, there is an increase in the number of days for which you must present data.
For international transport
If you have a vehicle with an analogue tachograph or first-generation digital tachograph, and are going to drive international transport, you must replace your tachograph as you need a second-version SMART tachograph (G2V2) from 31 December 2024.
All vehicles with a first-version SMART tachograph (G2V1) that are used for international transports will need to have switched to a second-version SMART tachograph (G2V2) by 18 August 2025.
Vehicles with analogue tachographs and first-generation digital tachographs can still be used for national transports that are subject to drivers’ hours regulations.
Both national and international transport
Vehicles that were registered under the national exemption in the period from 21 August 2023 to 31 January 2024 and have a G2V1 tachograph must switch to a G2V2 tachograph by 18 August 2025. Note that this also applies to vehicles that are only used for national transports.
Roadside inspection of driving time and rest periods
As from 31 December 2024, drivers must be able to present driving and rest time data for today and the previous 56 days. This applies to both national and international transports.